The Good, The Now and The Happy 🌞

The Good, The Now and The Happy 🌞

Lately I have been practicing a technique called, focusing on the good, the now and the happy. Let me tell you, when the Universe / Source puts you in tough situations, just know it is a way of testing your convictions (beliefs).

My medical insurance was terminated back in August, but I was not aware of it at the time. So in September I made an appointment to my appointed clinic to hopefully be able to get a referral for a specialist. When I arrived at the appointment in October (two weeks ago) I was told my insurance was expired..long story short I ended up with a “self-pay medical bill of $700+” just for a doctor’s visit to take my vitals and ask about my medical records. Then just last week I spent hours calling my medical insurance company and the Patient Relations department at the assigned clinic get a clear resolution to the bill situation. To today, this week, this self-pay medical bill is unresolved.

ANYWAYS the main point I wanted to make, throughout all this back and forth and frustrating administrative process and the prospect and pressure of possibly having to pay a hefty medical bill while I am jobless and without any medical insurance…is that the old me would have completely have had a mental breakdown and anxiety. (I saw 5:55 as I was typing this). It isn't like upon hearing this news I was completely made me sigh (dramatically) for a few minutes, but I caught myself and became aware of the impending negative thoughts and emotions.

The old me would have no control and awareness of my reaction to unpleasant news and negativity. Now I am more aware and in control of my reactions instead of falling into self-devastation and victimhood.

Now I process the news, think about solutions and focus on the good, the now and the happy. 

*EDIT - I almost cried on the way back from visiting the Patient Relation’s office for the second time this week, BUT I caught myself. I became aware of my emotions and the negative thoughts and reactions forming. When I arrived home, the first thing I did was call my medical insurance again to re-confirm the information so that tomorrow I can confidently relay it back to the clinic and finalize a resolution. After that I enjoyed some popsicles, put my headphones on and listened to some upbeat music. Then I checked on my current test batches of solid incense sticks. Incense sticks really bring me joy..when I light them up, my moon is uplifted! 

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