Something that incense making has taught me recently is patience and trusting the process. Patience for the solid incense sticks to fully dry and the trust that the raw materials, powders and organic essential oils will harmonize together. Some solid incense sticks take up to 2 weeks to fully dry and harmonize. For instance, “Solar” — the solid incense stick that I am currently working on perfecting, is both my joy and learning lesson. I have tried various versions and combinations of raw materials for this scent..but it just wasn’t working.
As a perfectionist, I tend to ask myself, “What if I could do a better version of this?” each time I make a test batch. However being a perfectionist is also a double edged sword because one day I feel satisfied with this version, but then find flaws and come up with more “what if’s” by next week.
Per the name, Solar is a bright and uplifting scent, reminiscent of the sun.
For instance, the most recent test batch of Solar isn’t burning as smoothly as I would like — which is most likely due to the ratio of Nanmu Powder (binding powder) to raw materials not being enough. Frustrated, I shifted through my older batches that I had stored away (and forgotten) and stumbled upon a version of Solar I made almost 2 to 3 weeks ago. Curious, I lit one up and was so surprised by how great it was pretty spot on to how I want it to smell. Originally I had abandoned that version because the scent of smoke was too heavy . Now 2 to 3 weeks later, it doesn’t smell like burnt wood when lit and the top notes are coming out very evenly and noticeably. Most importantly it doesn’t leave a lingering smell of smoke.
All this really made me realize that I was too impatient with the incense making process and did not let all the materials harmonize properly before abandoning it. I should be more patient with how everything is playing out in my life..and trust the process of everything coming together when the time is right.
Just like how I can’t rush the natural process of raw materials harmonizing, I can’t rush the right timing.