How’s work, how's life?

How’s work, how's life?

So I got a text from a long distance friend that I knew back in university that relocated to Florida for work. I love her and she really is so sweet. Although we do not text often, she checks in with me from time to time. This morning she said, “Miss you! Just checking in. How’s work, how's life?” All the previous times she’s asked me how's life and work, I replied with the usual, “Life’s good! Work’s been busy, the usual” and then don’t think too much about it afterwords.

However this morning when I read “How’s work, how’s life” it really dawned on me how much we, as humans, put emphasis on work, like it is an essential part of life. Think about it, how many times do we ask each other “How’s life and work?” or “How's work going?”

That’s messed up..

I used to take my job way too seriously (which I know sounds very counterintuitive). Unfortunately it became toxic because I would be so emotionally and mentally affected by whatever my manager said. It was almost as if when my manager was happy, I was happy and if she wasn’t in a good mood, I couldn’t be in a good mood either. Therefore I am learning to disassociate myself from my work because that is not my true identity. Yes, I can care about my work and put in effort but it is just a role I am playing. At the end of the day or my shift, I go back to being my “authentic self”.

A lot of time we get stressed out from work is because we are “taking our role too seriously” — meaning we tie our identities and self-worth to jobs and titles. If we can start to create space between our authentic self and the “role we perform at a job”, we would not feel as overwhelmed and unhappy. We need to remind ourselves that whatever happens at work, it should not affect us outside of work. If a manager was rude to you, do not let that affect your mood and emotions.

Only YOU have the power to decide who affects your mood. Be so rooted in your authentic self that no matter who or what causes negativity and chaos around you, you will not be affected.

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