Yesterday I had an, abundance and wealth are the highest frequencies that we all should be tuned into. I’m not talking about mindlessly and desperately convincing ourselves that we are abundant, beautiful and full of love and repeating manifestation mantras that do not work. It occurred to me that it is our divine right to be love, happy, abundant and wealthy. Therefore we should not be asking for it because we already embody it.
Instead we should ask the Universe, Source or Spirit to give us the guidance and wisdom to channel and connect to the love, happiness, abundance and wealth within us.
When we were just born, we were already in that frequency. As we got older, our connection to that frequency started to diminish because someone told us in high school short hair looks ugly on girls, or wearing bright color clothes as a man makes you too feminine, or that driving regular Honda means you are poor, and that being happy and successful is being at the top of the corporate ladder working overtime, etc. Who decides that for us and why should they decide our joy and happiness for us?
No one should take away or distract us from the divine right within us to love, happiness, abundance and wealth. We can wake up one day and choose to see the happiness, love, light and abundance in ourselves and others. We can choose to take the first step towards what makes us happy, instead of thinking we are undeserving for whatever reason.
Therefore I have been learning about the importance of creating a beautiful reality, a world for myself. I realized that most of us live a life that isn’t really the reality we want. For instance, working a job that doesn’t bring any fulfillment or new experiences or living and behaving against our true beliefs, etc. For so many years, I have been asking myself, is this really the life I want? Is this really my reality? Like most people, I was afraid to change my reality because it was comforting and it was secure. However when you have nothing left to lose, you can only start from scratch again. At first it was scary to unlearn everything about myself but then I started to find the joy in it because I am getting a second chance to rebuild myself according to my heart and soul and allowing myself to discover and build the authentic life I was meant to live.
There is a calmness in creating a world of your own. A reality that is meant for you..sometimes we are afraid to open that reality but we shouldn’t. It has always been there waiting for us — our reality, our world.