20 Life Altering Questions

20 Life Altering Questions

As promised, below are the 20 Life Altering Questions that I am currently answering and and sharing. It is part of my self-discovery and shadow-work journey. October 2023 is said to be a month of new beginnings and shifts as it is one of the last three months before the end of year. I wish everyone continuous growth, strength and wisdom to make the change they need for the better!
  1. How would I like to leave this world a better place?
  2. How would I like to serve?
  3. What would I like the greatest accomplishment of my life to be?
  4. How am I expressing my creativity?
  5. What would I like the world to know?
  6. What do I believe in?
  7. When do I feel like I am following my joy?
  8. When do I feel most alive?
  9. How would I like to love the world?
  10. What matter to the most to me?
  11. What does it mean to have a “good life”?
  12. Where does self-worth come from?
  13. What do I need right now, more than anything else?
  14. What are the things I need to improve and work on?
  15. Why do I resist change?
  16. Which do I value more—intelligence or wisdom?
  17. What is my definition of success?
  18. How do I move past unpleasant thoughts or experiences?
  19. What do I imagine my future self to be like?
  20. How can I show kindness to someone today?

On the surface, these all look like very simple questions, but they are actually harder to answer than they seem. While working on them, I had to stop often and take a break because I was really diving deep to face a lot of truths. However I understand that by doing so, I am healing parts of my self and growing. 

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