Change is difficult, change is scary…I totally understand. I have been through so many changes, from middle school to college and even now entering my 30s.
For example…
I had planned out the years I would stay at my previous company and made a spreadsheet forecasting how much money I would have by so and so and calculated around when I will be able to pay off my loans and debt. Then by that time I should have enough money saved and most of my debt paid off to start my dream job and find my true purpose in life. Unfortunately (or fortunately) the Universe, Source, God (whatever you believe in) had other plans for me. Out of nowhere, an event happened at work, I decided to quit. Looking back at it, it was a small miscommunication, but right then and there it was the push for me to quit..even though I had planned everything out and wanted to go through with that plan. The funnier thing is that Universe, Source, God always seems to push me in a different direction than the one Iwanted to go..which was the comfortable and safe route of working routinely, saving up money and paying off loans and debt. The price of that was never having the time to honestly think about what really and truly brings me happiness, fulfillment and love.
So that brings me to my current battle — resisting change. It’s a tough one..
I am resisting change because I am afraid. I fear stepping outside of my comfort zone and not following the blueprint of society—9 to 5 job, climb the corporate ladders, married by 30, have kids, own a house, etc. Even though on the other side of my comfort zone I know I will become a better person and have a better life filled with purpose and love.
There is a narrative that my ego and brain has embedded inside of me that isn’t actually the narrative of my heart and soul.
I have come to a realization that we are scared of our potential and stepping outside of our comfort zone. That “comfort zone” is an ego, thought-based system or “fear-based system” that we have been programed since birth from our society. They are not “love-based system” — meaning they are not authentic to our true self or our soul and heart. The potential to change lives with love is so immense but our brain (fear-based) is afraid to let go of control.
Edit* 1:36PM - I wanted to add, as I had some time to reflect on this post - As newborns and toddlers, we were so unafraid because we knew nothing therefore we tried everything. We listened to no one, but our own heart. However as we got older, we stopped listening to our heart and started to listen to the voices in our head, our ego and society. I honestly believe change and discomfort is the Universe's way of shaking us up and re-awakening our intuition.